General References
- Listed on a separate webpage are several texts that I have referred to in preparing the lectures. They can be useful references if you want a different perspective of a particular topic or a more detailed explanation. The library should have them all, I have put most on reserve.
Lecture 1 - April 4, 2006
- Introduction
- lecture_01.pdf (390 KB)
Lecture 2 - April 6, 2006
- Properties of Water and Seawater
- lecture_02.pdf (360 KB)
- lecture 2: questions & answers
Lecture 3 - April 11, 2006
- Temperature; Salinity; Density; General Ocean Circulation
- lecture_03.pdf (1.1 MB)
- lecture 3: questions & answers
Lecture 4 - April 13, 2006
- Major Elements in the Ocean
- lecture_04.pdf (450 KB)
- lecture 4: questions & answers
Lecture 5 - April 18, 2006
- Trace Elements in the Ocean
- lecture_05.pdf (710 KB)
- lecture 5: questions & answers
Field Trip - April 20, 2006
- Cruise Monterey Bay
- No reading
Lecture 6 - April 25, 2006
- Marine Chemical Mass Balance (Box and Transport Reaction Models)
- lecture_06.pdf (250 KB)
- lecture 6: questions & answers
Lecture 7 - April 27, 2006
- Life in the Oceans: The Chemical Connection
- lecture_07.pdf (680 KB)
- lecture 7: questions & answers
Lecture 8 - May 2, 2006
- The Biological Pump; Particle Flux
- lecture_08.pdf (370 KB)
- lecture 8: questions & answers
Lab - April 28, 2006
- Lab - Hydrography and Plankton
- Mitchell GRID lab
- No reading
Lecture 9 - May 4, 2006
- Chemical Equilibrium; Ion Complexes; Speciation
- lecture_09.pdf (180 KB)
- lecture 9: questions & answers
Field Trip - Sat, May 6, 2006
- Cruise San Francisco Bay
- No reading
Lab - May 9, 2006
- Lab - Hydrography and Plankton
- Mitchell GRID lab
- No reading
Lecture 10 - May 11, 2006
- Remineralization Acid-Base Reactions; Carbonate Chemistry (Alkalinity, DIC)
- lecture_10.pdf (830 KB)
- lecture 10: questions & answers
Lecture 11 - May 16, 2006
- REDOX Chemistry
- lecture_11.pdf (340 KB)
- lecture 11: questions & answers
Field Trip - May 18, 2006
- Tidepools - 1/2 Day
- No reading
Lecture 12 - May 23, 2006
- Seawater Composition Changes (global cycles)
- lecture_12.pdf (680 KB)
- lecture 12: questions & answers
Lecture 13 - May 25, 2006
- MHydrothermal Processes
- lecture_13.pdf (1.3 MB)
- lecture 13: questions & answers
Lecture 14 - May 30, 2006
- Marine Sediments
- lecture_15.pdf (460 KB)
- lecture 15: questions & answers
Lecture 15/16 - June 1, 2006
- Radioactive Tracers
- lecture_15.pdf (460 KB)
- lecture 15: questions & answers
- Stable Isotopes
- lecture_16.pdf (300 KB)
- lecture 16: questions & answers
Lecture 17 - June 6, 2006
- Paleoceanography
- lecture_17.pdf (680 KB)