General References
The readings for this course will be taken from:
- Biological Oceanography, an introduction, 2nd edition, Carol M. Lalli and Timothy R. Parsons, Butterworth Heinemann, 1999 (amazon.com or barnes&noble) - referred to below as L&P
- Handouts, which will be distributed in class
Lecture 1 - April 4, 2006
- Introduction
- No readings
Lecture 2 - April 6, 2006
- The Abiotic Environment
- L&P: Chapter 2
Lecture 3 - April 11, 2006
- Surface Circulation
- T&T 10th Ed, pp. 229-257
Lecture 4 - April 13, 2006
- Phytoplankton, Photosynthesis, and Respiration
- L&P: Chapter 3.1-3.2
Lecture 5 - April 18, 2006
- Physical Controls of Primary Production
- L&P: Chapter 3.3-3.5
Field Trip - April 20, 2006
- Cruise Monterey Bay
- No reading
Lecture 6 - April 25, 2006
- Distribution of Primary Production
- L&P: Chapter 3.6, T&T 10th Ed, pp. 405-413
Lecture 7 - April 27, 2006
- Zooplankton Systematics & Distributions
- L&P: Chapter 4
Lecture 8 - May 2, 2006
- Biological Pump I: Energy and Food Webs
- L&P: Chapter 5.1-5.3
Lecture 9 - May 4, 2006
- Biological Pump II: Biogeochemical Cycles
- L&P: Chapter 5.5
Field Trip - Saturday May 6, 2006
- Cruise San Francisco Bay
- No reading
Lab - May 9, 2006
- Lab - Mitchell A69
- No reading
Lecture 10 - May 11, 2006
- Biological Pump III: Decomposition and Remineralization
- Kaiser et al. pp. 114-135
Lecture 11 - May 16, 2006
- Deep-Sea Benthic Ecology
- L&P: Chapter 8.8-8.9
Field Trip - May 18, 2006
- Tidepools
- No reading
Lecture 12 - May 23, 2006
- Rocky and Sandy Shores
- L&P: Chapter 8.1-8.4, Kaiser et al.: Chapter 5
Lecture 13 - May 25, 2006
- Estuaries, Coral Reefs and Mangroves
- L&P: Chapter 8.5-8.7
Lecture 14 - May 30, 2006
- Human Impacts on the Marine Environments
- L&P: Chapter 9
Lecture 15 - June 1, 2006
- Glacial Iron Hypothesis
- Glacial-Interglacial CO2 Change: The Iron Hypotheses, J. H. Martin, 1990, Paleoceanography Vol. 5 1-13
Final - June 6, 2006
- Cruise Synthesis and Final Presentations
- No reading