Date |
Biological Oceanography |
Marine Chemistry |
4 April |
Introduction (students names, class format, historical perspective, relevance) |
Introduction: Chemical Oceanography the Big Picture; Ocean basins; Historical perspective |
6 April |
The Abiotic Environment |
Properties of Water and Seawater |
Start Challenge 1a; Challenge 1a due; Start Challenge 1b |
11 April |
Surface Circulation |
Temperature; Salinity; Density; General Ocean Circulation |
13 April |
Phytoplankton, Photosynthesis, and Respiration |
Major Elements in the Ocean |
18 April |
Physical Controls of Primary Production |
Trace Elements in the Ocean |
Challenge 1b due; Start Challenge 2 |
20 April |
Field Trip - Cruise on Monterrey Bay |
25 April |
Distribution of Primary Production |
Marine Chemical Mass Balance (Box and Transport Reaction Models) |
27 April |
Zooplankton Systematics & Distributions |
Life in the Oceans: The Chemical Connection |
2 May |
Biological Pump I: Energy and Food Webs |
The Biological Pump; Particle Flux |
4 May |
Biological Pump II: Biogeochemical Cycles |
Chemical Equilibrium; Ion Complexes; Speciation |
Challenge 2 due; Start Challenge 3 |
Saturday! 6 May |
Field Trip - Cruise on San Francisco Bay |
9 May |
Lab - Hydrography & Plankton |
11 May |
Biological Pump III: Decomposition and Remineralization |
Acid-Base Reactions; Carbonate
Chemistry (Alkalinity, DIC) |
16 May |
Deep-Sea Benthic Ecology |
REDOX Chemistry |
18 May |
Field Trip - Tidepools (1/2 day) |
Challenge 3 due, Start Challenge 4 |
23 May |
Rocky and Sandy Shores |
Seawater Composition Changes (global cycles) |
25 May |
Estuaries, Coral Reefs and Mangroves |
Hydrothermal Processes |
30 May |
Human Impacts on the Marine Environments |
Marine Sediments |
Challenge 4 due |
1 June |
Glacial Iron Hypothesis |
Radioactive Tracers + Stable Isotopes |
6 June |
Cruise Synthesis & Final Presentations |
Paleoceanography |